Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hope everyone had a wonderful Eid. I did. I'm happy to say for once that it felt like Eid instead of me feeling like an outsider or not going to the mosque because my babe was too small and feeling left out. This year was perfect.

We attended prayers in the middle of a field under a tent and I must say, I felt such peace. My son was running around behind me outside so that interrupted me a few times but still, I felt good standing there with so many other Muslims. You never see them here. I'm so glad we found this mosque so close to us. A mixed crowd and the women talked to me and the ones that didn't offered salams and smiles. So different from my last Eids where everyone seemed to know everyone else and I was outside of it all.

After that we made our calls and then drove to a small town in Connecticut, a post will be on this later. I'll just say we were in search of Stars Hollow because since seeing my first episode of Gilmore Girls, I've always wanted to go to the real Stars Hollow and see it. We did and I'll post about it later. I so want to move there!

The next day was the kids Eid party at a friends house. It was awesome! Loved seeing Eid being celebrated in such a big fun way and although my guy missed his nap and didn't want to pin the star near the moon (game) with the other kids and preferred to hold the limbo stick instead of going under it, he had fun. It was an excellent day. We are all already planning the next Eid in 8 or so weeks. It's so important to have this for the kids and I'm so glad I've met likeminded folks.


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